
Signing Off…

This will be my last post on this site. I’ve actually enjoyed posting every Saturday with bits and pieces generally related to daily hassles from the week . It’s also been a treat to read other posts here and elsewhere and responding to them periodically. This blog has given me some ideas to create other blogs with different themes and to use different strategies to attract readers. The concept of a blog is simple enough, but, of course, there are a number of things that can improve the experience and my reach to readers.

It’s been said that death and taxes are the only certainties in our life. Well, I’d like to add daily hassles to this list. While we can delay death (by living a healthy life) and perhaps avoid paying taxes (if you want to go to jail), we can implement a few things in our life to better handle daily hassles. One thing that I haven’t mentioned so far is using our social support (leaning on/talking to your family and friends) which can buffer against negative experiences. Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I will continue practicing gratitude!

For those who have been reading my posts from time to time, thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Signing off…Greg

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