
Feelings with Jamie

Everyone of us has feelings. Of course there is the occasional sociopath who only recognizes his/her own feelings, but for the most part we are all searching for love and acceptance. We hurt when our friends hurt. We cry when we see suffering. Put a small group of people together and they can get along and find things that they have in common and discuss the things they disagree about. Sometimes those disagreements are too much and a friendship might end. But most of the time if people really care they see past differences and look for common ground. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The election has made a divide between us, and it truly hurts my feelings. I am a people pleaser and want everyone to get along. This doesn’t mean I don’t have firm beliefs, it’s just that I see both sides points of view, and feel that changes have to be made on both sides. We have to see how the other people feel and not just label them. We are not enemies we are all cousins. We are all related as human beings. We all have feelings and we can’t move forward if we don’t listen to each other. We certainly can’t listen to Fox  and MSN to tell us how to feel or think.  The people who are loudly yelling that we are all divided are getting paid to see us fight. It is despicable.

I don’t know how to fix the nation, but I think if we start in our own homes, teach our children to love others and not be frightened of someone who is different. Tell our friends that we do not like it when they broadly label others simply because they are not exactly like themselves. We should speak out when we hear hate speech, all it takes is a I don’t appreciate that kind of talk. In this way we can stand up for others rights and know that we are not part of the problem.You can’t change people by yelling at them. But maybe by listening to them and explaining why and how you feel the way you do you can open their eyes, if they don;t want to listen then at least you tried.

I want to see our country united. Hand in hand with our neighbors. Showing understanding and love and empathy for their feelings.

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